The Health Complaints Commissioner
The Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC) is an independent statutory office whose role is established under the Health Complaints Act 2016.
The HCC supports safe and ethical healthcare in Victoria by resolving complaints about health services and conducting investigations into healthcare providers who pose a serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of the public.
The HCC has broad regulatory powers which include significant powers with respect to non-registered health service providers and investigation of contraventions of the Code of Conduct.
For information on The Commissioner, Adjunct Professor Bernice Redley see
The Health Complaints Commissioner Advisory Council (APPLICATIONS CLOSED 14 JUNE 2023, this site is retained for information)
The Council is established under the Part 12 of the Health Complaints Act (2016). The primary role of the Council) is to provide advice to the Commissioner.
The functions of the Council in accordance with section 147 of the Health Complaints Act (2016) are to:
liaise with health service providers and consumers of health services to advise the Commissioner on the development of the practice protocol under section 124 and complaint handling standards and
provide advice to the Commissioner, on the request of the Commissioner, regarding any function or power of the Commissioner.
Currently the HCCAC are involved in further developing their strategic plan and work to support the Commission. For more information, see
Applications are sought for a President and up to six Advisory Council member roles
The President must be an Australian Lawyer (as required in the Act), and have significant experience on Boards or Committees or similar, ideally as President or Chair.
Member applicants are asked to nominate themselves as having skills or experience relevant to particular categories, reflecting the skills sought on the Council and noting current priority areas in terms of representation. See the Position Description for more information.
How to apply (APPLICATIONS CLOSED 14 JUNE 2023, this site is retained for information)
Candidates for President or member must consider the Position Description and submit a CV (in Word format, up to four pages) and complete the special Expression of Interest (EOI) Application Form (in Word format), available below.(Submit your special EOI application form in place of a cover letter).
The special EOI Application Form in Word format has dynamic (or expanding) boxes for you to type in. If easier, you could save as PDF and edit. We cannot accept hand written forms.
Please note, candidates for the President who also wish to be considered as a general Member only need to complete the President’s EOI Application Form and submit with their CV (apply once for both categories).
Please read the Position Description and use the application point with the advertisement to apply using Word documents (you may save PDF format for information).
Special EOI Application Form for President – download the form, enable editing, and complete before submitting with your application
Special EOI Application Form for Member – download the form, enable editing, and complete before submitting with your application
Please note
- If you wish to apply for both the President and Member roles, use the President’s Special EOI Application Form and lodge your form as if for President only. (That is, apply once for both roles)
- Please read the Position Description and use the application point with the advertisement to apply
- Submit your special EOI Application Form in place of a Cover Letter (lodge the form where it says Cover Letter)
- See the Position Descriptions for more advice on process and for assistance contacts
More information (APPLICATIONS CLOSED 14 JUNE 2023, this site is retained for information)
For administrative assistance with completing applications please contact Lilli Vagnarelli, Associate, on 03 8620 8089 or email
Please note assistance on content (what to write) cannot be offered.
If you can’t apply online, please email your application to Lilli in the format above, with the subject line ‘HCCAC Member Application or HCCAC President Application.
If you need specific assistance to be part of this process, we can refer you to organisations who may be able to help. Please ask!
If additional information is required after a thorough review of the candidate information and you’ve lodged your application, please contact Penny Wilson, Senior Partner, SHK on or 03 8620 8017 or Lilli Vagnarelli, Associate, on 03 8620 8089 or email
Please note that candidates may be contacted by email or phone (including voicemail), and that the process will take some months into September 2023 (so communications may have long intervals). You may be invited for a short video interview if this is required.
If shortlisted, you may be later invited to a panel interview on video, or in person and you will be notified of the format to expect. We will advise candidates when decisions are made at different stages.
Direct and third-party applications will be forwarded to SHK.